
Thank you for visiting Greetings Galaxy, a website dedicated to providing a wide range of messages for various occasions. We believe in transparency and want to ensure that our visitors are aware of certain aspects regarding the content and services we offer.

Message Sources and Attribution

At Greetings Galaxy, we strive to curate and create a collection of messages that inspire and resonate with our users. Some of the messages featured on our site are sourced from various authors, poets, and individuals who have shared their creative works with the world. Whenever possible, we make efforts to attribute these messages to their original authors or provide proper acknowledgment.

However, due to the nature of the internet and the vast number of messages available, it is not always feasible to trace the origin of every message. We do our best to ensure the accuracy of the information and provide proper attribution. If you believe any message on our site requires correction or additional attribution, please contact us, and we will address it promptly.

Original Content and Copyright

Greetings Galaxy also features original content created by our team of writers. All original content, including articles, blog posts, and unique messages, is protected by copyright laws. The intellectual property rights for these original works belong to Greetings Galaxy unless otherwise stated.

We encourage users to respect copyright laws and refrain from reproducing, distributing, or using our original content without obtaining proper permission. If you wish to use or share any of our original content, please contact us for permission or attribution details.

Third-Party Links and External Websites

Our website may contain links to third-party websites, services, or resources that are not owned or controlled by Greetings Galaxy. We provide these links for informational or reference purposes and do not have direct control over the content or practices of these external sites.

We do our best to ensure that any external links we include are reputable and relevant. However, we are not responsible for the privacy practices, content, or availability of these third-party websites. We recommend reviewing the privacy policies and terms of use of any external sites you visit through our provided links.

Changes to Disclosure

We reserve the right to update or modify this Disclosure page at any time without prior notice. Any changes made will be effective immediately upon posting the updated Disclosure page on the Greetings Galaxy website.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our disclosure practices, please feel free to contact us at Shahzaman.digiaventus@gmail.com.